Release notes for jEasy Extensible Proxy 1.0

This is the first release marked as stable. That means that the proxy should just work. Unfortunately there isn't enough testing done in real environments to say that the proxy is stable. However there are unit tests and quite some other tests performed and the proxy should work. If you encounter any bugs please don't ignore the proxy, instead file a bug report and the problem will be fixed.

This release is made on the 1 of September and is marked as 1.0 for some special reasons. J2EP is in fact better described as tomcat-reverse-proxy hosted as a Google's Summer of Code (SOC) project. This is the last day of SOC and I thought it was suitable to do the stable release today. Already 0.4 could have been called 1.0 since it included the same features. But as I said, it was more suitable to do the 1.0 on the final day.

It has been a great summer and I would like to thank my mentor at apache, Timothy Funk, and Google for giving me this opportunity to make some money coding open source. I couldn't have dreamed about a better summer job.

Now that the summer is over I wont have the time to continue development of the proxy, not in the same pace anyways. I will of course fix any bugs found and also add some more features when I have the time. If you would need something special please contact me any try to make me motivated :) Logo